Fun Messy Friday

Seems like I keep getting behind here…

To beat the summertime boredom blues, we decided to invite some friends over to the zoo for a fun Friday night. Since I knew Friday was going to be hot water and ice definitely had to be in the plan. Along with another favorite art, or rather messy art (of course now I realize I didn’t take any pictures of them making art, duh me).

Melting ice in the 90+ degree heat

Melting ice in the 90+ degree heat

We set up almost all our messy art supplies (paint, glitter, sand, shaving cream, etc) and some tables in the backyard along with the kiddie pool and had a mess of fun.  The evening ended in a large mess of shaving cream.

Shaving cream to explore

Shaving cream to explore

The shaving cream was intended to be used for art…

Ooo, messy fun

Ooo, messy fun

but instead became a reason to chase each other…

I'm gonna get you with more shaving cream

I'm gonna get you with more shaving cream

 and get extremely messy!

You're gonna need a dip in the pool

You're gonna need a dip in the pool

Of course Papa Penguin decided we should join in the fun too.

I swear he started it!

I swear he started it!

Today we had Muffin Tin Monday.  I finally found some 6-cup muffin tins at the $ store this past week. I’ll have to post the pictures tomorrow as they are still on the camera.

This evening, I took Young Owl to his first baseball game.  He learned two lessons. One, don’t drink almost an entire Icee in almost 100 degree weather cause you are going to feel sick. And lesson two, baseball is a slow game and not all that exciting to watch (sorry baseball fans in the family). We stayed for less than an inning before he’d had enough. This was okay with me because all I was out was the $6 to park (tickets were free from the library for his completion of the summer reading program). 

Afterwards he enjoyed a little bit of one on one time with Mamma Zookeeper with a late evening stop at the bookstore. Of course we bought some new books for Mamma, Young Owl and Little Monkey. Now we’ll have something to look at tomorrow to keep us entertained.

Finally we had this realization hit us today…

SCHOOL STARTS TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!! Where in the world has the summer gone?!?

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